Cancer Antigen 125 Application and Test in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection thatattacks the lungs and spread to other organs. Globally, tuberculosisremains one of the leading causes of death and public health problems despite dramatic improvements made in providing access to high-quality TB services.

WHO estimates that about one third of all incidentcases of active TB are not properly diagnosed or receive care of poorquality outside of national TB programs. Among diagnosed cases,the delay of the result is often long. Determination of diseaseactivity of pulmonary tuberculosis is important for treatment; butfollow-up of the infection activity and response to therapy is not always easy to evaluate.Bacteriological examination of sputum is the gold standard indiagnosis and follow-up of disease; but this procedure takes severalweeks to know whether the patient is undergoing successful therapy ornot. Identifying TB with diagnosis based on sputum-smear microscopyis effective in diagnosing highly infectious TB (sputum smear-positiveTB in a person with a productive cough), but it is less effective in earlydiagnosis for people with less pronounced symptoms. Culturemethod is another methods used for diagnosing TB.It is growth-dependent and takes six to eight weeks to produce theresult, this long time limit the method to aid intermediate decisions on treatment. Therefore screening for active TB is one of severalpossible interventions that can improve early detection of all forms ofTB.

A cancer antigen125 (CA-125) is the most frequently usedbiomarker for ovarian cancer detection. Although women withovarian cancer often have an elevated level of CA 125, it could relatedto many conditions including malignancy of the lungs, breasts, colon, pancreas, and some non-malign conditions suchas endometriosis, hepatic cirrhosis or heart failurepelvic inflammatory disease, or normal menstruation

Media Contact: 
Allison Grey 
Journal Manager 
Journal of Clinical chemistry and Laboratory Medicne